In Dubai, a gang disguised as police officers robbed a company

Two Emirates and five Asians stole $ 180,000 from a Dubai trading company, introducing themselves as members of the Criminal Investigation Department.

On Tuesday, the Dubai Court of First Instance found that a gang of two Emirates and five Asians stole $ 180,000 from a trading company, posing as police officers under the pretext of conducting an investigation into the company's involvement in illegal business.

Employees of the company said that, having got into the organization’s premises, the suspects introduced themselves as employees of the criminal investigation department. One of them turned off the cameras and seized the recordings. Phones were also taken from the workers, and they themselves were lined up. After the raiders took all the cash from the safe.

One of the emirates clarified the name of the owner of the company, his address and telephone number of employees, saying that he would be arrested. Afterwards, he asked them not to go outside and not to call anyone, claiming that the administration had already surrounded the building.

“When the owner soon arrived, he said that we had just been robbed,” the company employee added to his testimony.

The robbers also took away 6.8 thousand dirhams ($ 1.8 thousand) and five mobile phones.

The first defendant was tracked by surveillance cameras. He confessed to robbery and named the names of his accomplices. The remaining thieves were arrested later and also confessed to the crime. The stolen amount was seized from the robbers.

Gang members were accused of robbery by force and taking on the image of police officers.

The hearing was adjourned until September 27.

Watch the video: Police Bodycam Video Shows Arab Man Mistaken As Member Of ISIS (July 2024).