Ukraine - UAE: constructive dialogue

Interviewed: Elena Olkhovskaya

OUR TALK WITH YURI VLADIMIROVICH SEMI-CUTTLE, EXTRAORDINARY AND Plenipotentiary AMBASSADOR OF UKRAINE TO THE UAE, QATAR AND BAHRAINE, HAPPENED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE DEPARTMENT, AND LITTLE DARK AND DARKLY. He touched on many topics relating to the political, economic and cultural aspects of the bilateral relations of Ukraine and the UAE.

Yuri Vladimirovich, you were appointed to the post of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the UAE in November last year. Please tell me which of the tasks set for yourself and your colleagues from the Ukrainian diplomatic mission in the UAE have you already achieved during this time?

The main task of any embassy is to establish strong bilateral relations in the political and economic spheres. Each new ambassador taking office has some new goals, and this is natural. In December last year, a traditional meeting of the heads of foreign diplomatic missions was held in Kiev, during which the government set priorities in the development of the country's foreign policy in a particular region of the world. I must say, in this regard, a lot has been worked out by my predecessors, for which I am grateful to them, and I had to start not from scratch. Obviously, it’s worth starting with the political component. This year, encouraging dynamics have appeared in our relations.

In a short period of time, several high official delegations from Ukraine visited the region. In particular, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine K. I. Grishchenko paid an official visit to Qatar, and the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the First Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, and high delegations from other ministries and departments visited the Emirates. I am particularly pleased to note that return visits to Ukraine have also taken place. So, this year in the events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident, which took place in Ukraine in April, the UAE and Qatar energy ministers took part. The main event of the first half of the year was the official visit to Ukraine of the UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan. This was the first visit of an official of such a high rank to our country for all the years of bilateral diplomatic relations, the 20th anniversary of which we will celebrate next year.

Of course, this visit was preceded by a lot of preparatory work, and it was successful. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan met with President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, as well as expanded negotiations between foreign ministers. And, very importantly, the first meeting of the Joint Commission on Trade, Economic and Technical Cooperation was held. From the results of this visit, I would single out what was announced in the near future to open the UAE embassy in Kiev.

Representatives of the top leadership of Ukraine and the UAE exchanged official invitations, and now we look forward to the visit of the delegation from Ukraine to the UAE and the return visit of our country by leaders of the highest rank. Preparatory work has already begun. Well, since our embassy operates not only in the United Arab Emirates, but also in Qatar and Bahrain, we are preparing the first visit to Ukraine by Emir of Qatar.

In what areas does the trade and economic cooperation between Ukraine and the UAE seem most promising to date?

Of course, the priority task of our bilateral relations is their economization. I must say that the global financial crisis has led to a slight decrease in our trade, but there are already all the prerequisites for us to reach the pre-crisis level very soon, and in 2008, trade between Ukraine and the UAE amounted to about $ 1 billion. It is very important that the Joint Commission created during the visit of Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed to Ukraine held its first meeting and a protocol was signed that defined areas of mutual interest. Among them are cooperation in the field of trade, mechanical engineering, and the chemical industry in the agro-industrial sphere. Another important aspect of cooperation is bilateral investment.

We are also talking about the aircraft industry, the space industry and shipbuilding. The mutual interest in cooperation in the oil and gas industry and in the search and development of alternative energy sources is obvious. In addition, Ukraine has much to offer to the Emirates, which are planning to build the first nuclear power plant in the country by the year 2017, in the nuclear energy industry, especially taking into account the experience we have gained in the field of safety in the use of nuclear power plants and during the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident. This experience, although sad, but it is unique, allowing many times to increase the level of security in the industry associated with the use of peaceful atom.

In the United Arab Emirates, as you know, the first meeting of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) was held, its headquarters was created here, the activities of which will extend not only to the Middle East region, but also throughout the world.

World experience will be accumulated here, and, of course, Ukraine will take an active part in the work of this international organization. We are creating on our territory stations operating on alternative energy sources in the Crimea, in the Nikolaev and Donetsk regions, therefore we have something to show and share with the international community.

One of the potential directions for the development of relations between our countries is cooperation in the field of agriculture, since it is no secret that almost 80% of food products in the UAE and neighboring countries of the region are imported from abroad. The market conditions are such that food security issues are becoming very relevant, therefore Ukraine, as one of the main producers of agricultural products in the world, is in a favorable position here. Last year we had a decent grain harvest, forecasts for this year's harvest are also positive. We are establishing the necessary contacts for long-term cooperation, exchanges of delegations regarding the implementation of specific projects are underway.

Another important area of ​​cooperation is medicine. Colossal experience has been accumulated in Ukraine in this area, plus some of the best resorts in Eastern Europe are located in our country. Now the development of balneological tourism has been put on a systematic basis, the regulatory framework is being improved, and I believe that in the future, our health resorts in the Carpathians, Crimea, on the Black Sea coast will be able to compete with other well-known resorts.

If we talk about Ukraine’s relations with the countries of the region, then I see important development of tourism, cultural relations, as well as the coverage of consular issues that interest both travelers and representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora living here.

Ukraine traditionally takes part in leading international exhibitions, such as the Dubai Air Show, and the IDEX arms exhibition. Developments and innovative technologies of Ukrainian scientists and enterprises are admired, but are not in a hurry to acquire. What prevents the establishment of stable trading operations with regional customers at the level of large Ukrainian market players? Is there only competition from Western companies?

For many years, Ukrainian manufacturers of military and aviation equipment have been demonstrating their best achievements and developments during the international arms and defense technology exhibitions IDEX and the Dubai Air Show. The interest from the Arab countries and other world powers in our stands is traditionally high. This year we received the IDEX exhibition award for the most innovative stand. In the framework of IDEX-2011, our booth was visited by the Vice President, UAE Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and other distinguished guests. We consider IDEX exhibitions and the Dubai Air Show, first of all, reliable international platforms for communication and demonstration of achievements. Ukraine is preparing for the upcoming Dubai Air Show and will be adequately represented at it.

Ukrainians are traditionally hospitable and friendly people. This can be seen at the annual embassy receptions dedicated to the celebration of Independence Day. Even living abroad, Ukrainians do not want to break away from their roots. Does the embassy have any plans to consolidate compatriots living and working in the UAE: creating a cultural center of Ukraine, holding exhibitions and events to strengthen the country's cultural image in the region, in which citizens of the country would gladly participate?

The embassy has always paid great attention to popularizing the culture of Ukraine in the Middle East region, and intends to continue the work begun in this direction. Now, culturally, I would say, there has been such a tendency that the emirates have begun to actively discover Ukraine for themselves. The increase in flights also contributes to this: from September, Flydubai will begin flying to Donetsk and Kharkov, our air carriers have been active in this market for many years. And those who visit Ukraine from the Emirates at least once will definitely come back to us again.

Next year we plan to hold Days of Ukrainian Culture in the Emirates. We have great opportunities for this - the Emirates are often visited by numerous folk groups, artists, sculptors, musicians from Ukraine. For example, in February this year in Abu Dhabi, they performed the Donetsk ballet. Pisarev. Here we can talk about the development of cooperation in the field of sports.

For example, every winter Shakhtar and Metalist football clubs spend their seasonal training camp and friendly matches in the Emirates. Now Ukraine is preparing for the European Football Championship 2012, the interest in which is huge throughout the world, including here. In addition, this year the Grand Prix of the World Championship in Formula 1 racing on speed boats is being held in Kiev, in which teams from Qatar and the UAE take part.

In a more distant future, the embassy plans to open the Cultural Center of Ukraine in the UAE. Now we are studying the experience of other countries and are thinking through all the technical aspects, filling the center, the main directions of its activities and so on. I am sure that the implementation of this idea will allow Ukrainians and everyone to meet more and communicate with each other.

During the years of the construction boom in the Emirates, the Ukrainian diaspora has grown markedly. You said that you are planning to open a Cultural Center, and will a consulate of Ukraine be opened in Dubai and the northern emirates?

The diaspora has indeed grown. By the number of Ukrainians living in the UAE, clear numbers are very difficult to name.

We have about 600 people on consular records, but the real indicators, I believe, are much larger. Add to this the constant presence of a large number of Ukrainian tourists who choose for themselves the United Arab Emirates as a year-round place for family vacations. In addition, for many years Ukrainian companies such as Motor SICH, Interpipe, Metinvest have been successfully operating in the UAE. Small and medium-sized businesses also began to enter the markets of the region. All of them need to solve consular issues, communicate, meet.

Given all this, I will say that the question of opening the Ukrainian consulate in Dubai was resolved positively, and we hope that in the near future it will begin its work in Dubai and the northern emirates.

Can one hope that someday citizens of Ukraine will be able to fly to the UAE, which has become a favorite year-round destination for leisure and business, without visas?

As for visa-free entry to the UAE or neighboring countries, of course, these issues were raised during bilateral meetings at the appropriate levels. This process is not quick, and the solution of such a question cannot be taken in one day. However, we are working in this direction because we are confident that such a solution would greatly facilitate the development of tourism and trade and economic cooperation between our countries.

What would you like to wish the readers of the Russian Emirates magazine, including many Ukrainian citizens?

Since Ukraine is celebrating the main national holiday, the 20th anniversary of its independence, on August 24, I would like to congratulate all compatriots and readers of your magazine on this holiday and wish them well-being, health and success in any undertaking, pride in their homeland. And on our part, we will do our best to make the Ukrainian diaspora in the UAE more united, since together we can do much more than individually.

Yuri Vladimirovich, thank you for your time and interesting conversation. I wish you success and congratulations to all employees of the Ukrainian diplomatic mission in the UAE on Independence Day.

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