Kazakh Culinary Festival - in the capital of the UAE

On March 27, 2011, in the emirate capital, the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the United Arab Emirates, with the support of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the national airline Air Astana, organized and held events dedicated to the opening of the Kazakhstan Food Festival in Abu Dhabi (Kazakhstan Food Festival in Abu Dhabi).

A delegation of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports headed by Executive Secretary Koblandy Musin arrived in Abu Dhabi specifically for organizing and conducting events.

The opening of this interesting and unique Festival was timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the spring holiday of Nauryzmeirama (in many other countries of the East, the spring equinox is also celebrated and called it "Navruz").

The Emirate’s guest of honor at the opening of the Kazakh Cuisine Festival was Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnun Al Nahyan, Chairman of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Tourism Development Office (ADTA). The official representative from the Kazakhstan side was the executive secretary of the MTS of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Koblandy Musin.

In the large hall of the five-star hotel complex “Park Rotana Hotel”, Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the UAE Askar Musinov made a welcoming speech to the gathered guests. In particular, he noted how important it is to preserve folk traditions and customs, even while being far beyond the borders of his homeland, and to acquaint people in other countries of the world with them.

Over 600 visitors during the event were able to get acquainted with the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people. As noted by the guests of the reception, the festival Week of Kazakh cuisine allowed them to expand their knowledge of the culture and philosophy of the Kazakhs, as well as learn more about the history of the festival of the spring equinox.

It should be noted that all dishes of national cuisine were prepared by professional chefs invited from Kazakhstan through the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Huge cauldrons with fragrant hot pilaf were displayed right in the open courtyard of the banquet hall, here you could taste manti, lagman and other national dishes of Kazakhstan. As a dessert, guests were offered a sweet honey chuck-chak, numerous cakes and pastries, and fresh, strongly brewed tea.

In addition, the famous Kazakh pianist, People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of international competitions, the rector of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy Zhaniya Aubakirova and her musical team were specially invited to participate in the opening of the event. The artists of the Altyn Bobe dance group, as well as professional dombra players from Kazakhstan pleased their guests with their creativity.

Of particular interest and attention to those present was the holding of the Kazakh national rite "Tusau kesu." Also, for public viewing, a beautiful felt yurt was installed right in the hall - the traditional nomad's dwelling, with all the relevant attributes and household utensils.

A special photo exhibition dedicated to Kazakhstani-Emirate relations, as well as the modern life of Kazakhstanis, was prepared in the lobby of the hotel. Bright and colorful photographs showed the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana and the picturesque nature of the country.

All guests of the gala reception on the occasion of the opening of the National Kazakh Cuisine Festival, after an impressive dinner, went home with memorable gifts - books about Kazakhstan, wall calendars, diaries and collections of recipes for the best dishes of folk cuisine. According to the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the UAE.

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