Sweet Homeopathy Pills

Interviewed: Anastasia Zorina

Homeopathy is as familiar to all of us as it is unknown to us. Some consider it a panacea, others - a profanity. Homeopathy, of course, is not a panacea. But in today's world, where experts estimate that millions of people die every day from the side effects of traditional medicines, homeopathy that does not have such an effect seems to be a way out of the impasse.

That is why homeopathy now ranks second among the most popular medical systems, after traditional, allopathic medicine. About why more and more people trust not “Panadol”, but small granules of homeopathic remedies, we talked with Dr. Akshay Batra, director of the only specialized specialized homeopathic clinic in Dubai, Dr. Batra Homeopathic Clinic, recently opened at Dubai Healthcare City.

How long has homeopathy appeared in the arsenal of treatment methods?

Homeopathy is the youngest medical system currently used to achieve human health. Many people believe that homeopathy was created in antiquity, but few people know that homeopathy is only 200 years old and it got its justification in Germany. The founding father of homeopathy was the German doctor Samuel Hahnemann, who, as a result of his medical practice, came to the conclusion that the allopathic treatment of human diseases was insufficient. At the same time, he also could not accept the need to use modern treatment methods - at that time they were extremely harsh, if not cruel. As a result of the search for more effective treatment options, Dr. Hahnemann, together with his students, created a system that is now known as homeopathy.

What is the main difference between homeopathy and allopathy?

There are many differences and all of them are fundamental. It is very important that homeopathy considers a person as a single, inseparable system. Therefore, in homeopathy, the complexity of diagnosis plays an extraordinary role. If an allopath doctor prescribes, say, the same medicine for different patients with sore throat, then the homeopath will not do this. After all, the throat of each individual person hurts differently and, as often happens, the same symptoms have completely different reasons! Correct and thorough diagnosis of not only symptoms, but also the entire condition of the patient’s body is the key to quality treatment in homeopathy.

The principle of unity here applies at the spiritual level - we believe that health is nothing but harmony between the will and the mind, and its absence leads to illness.

If we look from the point of view of attitude to the cure of the disease, then homeopathy is based on the principle of similarity - like treat like. This means that diseases can be treated with negligible doses of those substances that in large doses cause symptoms similar to those of a given disease.

For example, when you cut onions, tears well up in your eyes. Therefore, a preparation from onions can help relieve the problem of lacrimation of the eyes, and it does not matter which reason it is caused. To treat a headache, the patient is given a microdose of a drug whose ingredients can cause this same headache. In allopathy, pain is simply stopped by painkillers - the principle of the opposite works here - the opposite is cured by the opposite. Homeopathy works on the same principle as vaccination.

At the same time, unlike allopathy medicines, in homeopathy all medicines are made from natural ingredients, be it plants, from which up to 90% of homeopathic medicines are produced, animals, insects, metals and so on.

This distinguishes homeopathy from allopathy and all other medical systems.

That is, homeopathy treats the causes of the disease, and not its consequences?

This is so - homeopathy relieves the symptoms of the disease and cures the causes. At the same time, homeopathy activates the body's own defenses, reviving to life its internal resources that can cope with almost any disease.

The only thing homeopathy cannot help with is various mechanical damage to the body, for example, fractures and blockage of the blood vessels of the heart, as well as acute forms of the course of the disease. But even in these cases, homeopathic medicines will be a good help for recovery. And, importantly, homeopathic medicines have no contraindications and can be taken by any patients, regardless of age.

Homeopathy does not have the swift first effect that allopathic drugs give. How can people force themselves to switch to the slower, but more global, in our age of "fast food" in drugs?

I would like to immediately dispel the myth that homeopathic medicines have a delayed effect. For example, if you start taking homeopathic treatment at the first sign of a cold, then it will pass faster than with conventional cold remedies. Diarrhea, for example, goes away in 3-4 hours. We try to rid the patient of the disease as quickly as possible.

Of course, in the case of chronic diseases, it will take more than one month to heal. But, mind you, I’m not talking about “treatment”, but about “cure” - these are two different things.

If necessary, we use allopathic remedies, if the patient needs urgent help, and combine them with homeopathic medicines. They do not contradict each other, as they work at different levels.

Often, people are scared that homeopathic medicines are made in granules, which must be counted each time before use. Is it that hard?

Not anymore - homeopathic medicines are increasingly packaged in special tubes at one time. All that remains for the patient to do is put the contents of the tube under the tongue and wait for the sweet granules to melt.

Why are homeopathic medicines cheaper than allopathic ones? After all, today everything natural is much more expensive than synthetic?

This is due to the fact that the cost of producing homeopathic remedies is much less. And, perhaps, also because the costs of testing and marketing them are incomparably lower than with traditional medicines.

Is homeopathy truly safe?

This is so if the treatment is prescribed by a professional homeopath because, as I said above, the correct diagnosis is the key to success. Diagnosis in homeopathy is so complex that there cannot be two identical appointments, because each case is individual.

In our clinic, for example, we enter all the data into the shared computer of our network of clinics, and our doctor in any part of the world can prescribe treatment based on his vision and an extensive database of our patients and their medical history. This makes it possible to prescribe the most effective treatment.

Is it difficult to become a homeopathic doctor?

It is difficult to become a homeopath: first you need to complete a course of study for a doctor of traditional medicine, and then study for more than one year as a homeopath.

Preventive diplomacy is the best policy. Does this apply to homeopathy?

Of course, the sooner you start working on creating a strong immune system, the better. Homeopathy helps a lot in this - you need to cure your chronic diseases outside the acute stage. This is the guarantee of a healthy and long life!

Watch the video: मठ गलय ! Globules in Homeopathy ! Property Uses Dispensing ! (July 2024).