Dubai recognized as the best city for expats in the Middle East

A Mercer study named Dubai the best city to live in the Middle East.

Dubai, UAE. Dubai is named the best city for expats to live in the Middle East and North Africa region, according to Mercer’s Quality of Living Survey. Among the cities of the world, Dubai took 74th place, and on a regional scale was recognized as the best for the sixth consecutive year.

The closest regional pursuer of Dubai is Abu Dhabi, which ranked 77th in the world ranking. The most unsuitable for life were recognized Damascus, Sana'a and Baghdad. In total, 231 cities took part in the study. The rating included criteria such as the level of healthcare, education, crime, transport development and the political environment.

As noted by Mercer, Dubai remains a popular destination for international firms to open offices and dispatch personnel in the Middle East region. The government is constantly working on developing infrastructure, improving safety and quality of life for those who live and work here.

It should be noted that Dubai and Abu Dhabi significantly outperform other cities in the region in terms of urban sanitation. Thus, the processes of waste disposal, air and water purification, and the fight against infectious diseases in the largest cities of the UAE are better organized than anywhere else in the Middle East and North Africa.

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