In 2018, UAE residents will spend almost $ 10 billion online

Residents of the United Arab Emirates in 2018 will make purchases through the Internet in the amount of about 10 billion US dollars.

Dubai, UAE. The volume of online expenses incurred by residents of the United Arab Emirates will grow to US $ 9.8 billion by the end of 2018, according to a forecast of payment systems PayPal and Ipsos.

The study found that 81% of the UAE's adult population made online purchases over the past year, compared to 68% in 2016.

This indicator is projected to grow: for example, almost half of the respondents surveyed during the study reported that they intend to increase online spending over the next 12 months.

The study also revealed an increase in cross-border online trade: 61% of UAE residents bought goods in online stores with delivery from other countries in 2018, against 33% a year earlier. Among the most popular purchases are clothes, shoes and accessories, as well as cosmetics.

Watch the video: NYU Abu Dhabi 2018 Commencement Ceremony (May 2024).