Star horoscope

Virgo / VIRGO (24 / 08-23 / 09)

Color: white, light blue, green.

Good luck stones: jade and carnelian.

Talisman: grasshopper, artificial flowers.

The second decade of September promises to be a difficult period for love and family relationships. Venus, walking along the zodiac sign Virgo, can create problems with mutual understanding, both between lovers and between family members. If you want to avoid deteriorating relationships, try to less critically examine the behavior of others. Better try to love loved ones as they are, and more often remember that there are no people without flaws! For work and career, mid-October is an excellent period promising great success.

SCORPIO / SCORPIO (24 / 10-22 / 11)

Good luck stones: aquamarine, coral, pomegranate.

Talisman: bug, scorpion.

The first decade of September is a great time to start new business. Mars, located in the sign of Scorpio, will help you to complete all beginnings to the end, even if you meet many obstacles. Therefore, it is imperative that the goals you set are truly important. The beginning of October is the right time to increase your own respectability and gain the respect of others. You can expand your sphere of influence.


Good luck stones: amethyst, topaz, chrysolite.

Talisman: horseshoe, salamander.

Sagittarius will be lucky in love more than ever, so the stars are advised to go hunting for representatives of the opposite sex. You will be impulsive, unrestrained and endearingly sincere. It will be enough for you to choose an object, and even with the conquest of the peak (no matter how cold and impregnable it may seem), stars and natural charm will help. Your appeal will become even stronger thanks to an optimistic outlook on the world.

CAPRICORN / CAPRICORN (22 / 12-20 / 01)

Good luck stones: ruby, onyx and malachite.

Mascot: black cat.

Capricorns should set themselves up for changes that, under the influence of the tense aspect of Pluto, can happen quite unexpectedly. September-October are favorable months for Capricorns, who are accustomed to solve their problems independently and not be afraid of difficulties. On the one hand, Capricorns will have the opportunity to drastically change their lives for the better, on the other hand, they will have to end their old relationships and open a new door.

AQUARIUS / AQUARIUS (21 / 01-18 / 02)

Good luck stones: garnet and zircon.

Talisman: the key.

Aquarius should devote more time to the family, put things in order in relations with close people, and try to prevent work and career from interfering with building a personal life. The tense aspect of Jupiter will increase Aquarius’s determination, but it warns against pride and overconfidence, which can interfere with the fulfillment of plans. Aquarians will be able to figure out what and how to do in order to achieve success, and begin to move in the chosen direction.

FISH / PISCES (19 / 02-20 / 03)

Good luck stones: pearls and amethyst.

Talisman: nodules, monogram, daffodil.

In September, Pisces should be prepared to review existing agreements and arrangements, as well as the changes that can be expected in the field of personal relations. Neptune, passing along the zodiac sign of Pisces, will provide Pisces with help and support in all matters and will help unravel the most complex life knot. September and October will be conducive to the new creative endeavors of Pisces, will help them to show their inner potential and reveal talents and skills.

LIBRA / LIBRA (24 / 09-23 / 10)

Color: dark blue, purple, aquamarine.

Good luck stones: opal and lapis lazuli.

Talisman: book, letter, paper.

In the third decade of September, Mercury, passing along the zodiac sign of Libra, will favor new acquaintances, the search for friends and like-minded people, as well as the settlement of interpersonal conflicts. At the end of September, you will be lucky in work and in personal affairs. If you want this period to be as fruitful for you as possible, try to be flexible and diplomatic where necessary, and do not try to insist on your own just to prove your case. September-October is also favorable for all lovers who want to save Lapis lazuli and improve their relationship.

ARIES / ARIES (21 / 03-20 / 04)

Good luck stones: diamond (brilliant), ruby.

Talisman: Golden Fleece.

In September-October, it is advisable to do everything slowly and sequentially, since an attempt to get ahead of events can give the opposite result and lead to failures and monetary losses. September is a good month for any official events and public affairs, participation in which will contribute to personal success. In October, it is recommended to recall family traditions, pay attention to senior family members and listen to their advice.

Taurus / TAURUS (21 / 04-21 / 05)

Good luck stones: turquoise, sapphire.

Talisman: owl, golden calf.

In September, Taurus’s work will be all right, but in love - excellent. Although the tense aspect of Mars to the zodiac sign Taurus will not allow Taurus to hit hard and relax too much, therefore in September Taurus will once again be able to verify the correctness of the proverb: “You can’t catch a fish from a pond without labor”. Try to spend energy this month only on what you need and is useful, and also do not forget about relaxation.

GEMINI / GEMINI (22 / 05-21 / 06)

Good luck stones: agate, chrysoprase, beryl.

Talisman: snake, mask.

In September-October, you will be more lucky in finances than in love. Due to the influence of the harmonious aspect of Jupiter, the Gemini will be able to put their affairs in order and stabilize their financial situation, but on the love front, experiences are possible. It is possible that love failures will be associated with your shyness, therefore, so that at this time your personal life does not suffer, try to overcome your complexes and do not be afraid to take the initiative.

CANCER / CANCER (22 / 06-22 / 07)

Good luck stones: moonstone, emerald, pearls.

Talisman: silver heart.

Crayfish will be full of creative plans, and their soul will be filled with romantic experiences, which will be due to the favorable influence of Neptune. September for Rakov is an interesting but difficult month, since successes and failures will largely depend not so much on the Cancers themselves, but on the people around them - business partners, friends, relatives. In October, Cancers will more than ever need the understanding and approval of loved ones.

LEO / LEO (23 / 07-23 / 08)

Good luck stones: amber, chrysolite, olivine, topaz.

Talisman: eagle, lion.

September is a time of rest and rest from problems. Thanks to the positive influence of Jupiter, the Lions will not need much effort to achieve exactly the results in the affairs they are counting on. September is unlikely to promise Leo significant changes at work or in love, but it will help to consolidate the successes already achieved and get a decent reward for previously done work. In October, you will be full of determination and courage to realize your oldest dream.

Watch the video: July 2019 Predictions for Your ZODIAC Sign (May 2024).