UAE residents explained safe travel rules abroad

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates has launched a 22-day social campaign aimed at raising the awareness of residents of the country about the rules of foreign travel.

She explains in detail to the Emirates the safety rules during such trips. Sultan Mohammed Al Ali, director of the UAE Foreign Ministry's Department of Media Relations and Communications, noted that the action will last until July 7. “Our tips contain a lot of useful information on how to avoid problems while being away from the homeland. First of all, when traveling to Europe, you need to make sure that the country where your Schengen visa is issued coincides with your destination, especially when it comes to Belgium and the Netherlands. All visa requirements are detailed on our website, "Al Ali said.

He also advises everyone who wants to sign up for the TAWAJEDI service, which will help the ministry to help tourists solve problems arising during the trip. You can fill out the form online or send a message to 8004444. After that, the sender will receive a notification with an identification number, as well as information about the presence of UAE embassies in the country of temporary residence, where you can contact in case of difficulty.

Watch the video: What to Do If You Lose Your Passport While Traveling? How to Get an Emergency Passport (July 2024).